пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Aerial dogfight over safety system

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Aerial dogfight over safety system

Air traffic controllers have been accused of risking lives to make an industrial point,
as a dogfight with reformers over a new safety system heats up.

The claim has come from DICK SMITH, a member of the reform group which oversaw the
introduction of the new system, under which light aircraft and jets share the same airspace
without communicating with air traffic control.

Mr SMITH has told a Brisbane radio station a recent incident shows air traffic controllers
are risking people's lives for an industrial agenda.

He referred to an incident last month where a Virgin Blue 737 jet took evasive action
in Queensland to avoid collision with a light aircraft.

Mr SMITH says the air traffic controller allowed the Virgin plane to descend right
into the smaller plane.

But Civil Air, the union representing controllers, has rejected the claim.

Union president TED LANG says Mr SMITH should apologise to controllers over his comments.

Meanwhile, his union has received support from the Australian Democrats for an inquiry
into the National Airspace System.

AAP RTV pjo/sb/wz/rp L


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